|Models!| Vids!| Music!|

Hi, Welcome To My Website!

Hi I'm Train Fan! I like to make videos, art,
games and silly things (those are my favorite).

Who Am I?

Fancy Dancy Pants

I am a game dev and artist(trust) from the (not so) lovely state of Illnois. Two of my favorite shows are Dr. Who and the model series of Thomas. My favorite bands are The Beatles(I like Ringo:3), Elo and They Might Be Giants.

My favorite songs are...

When Do I Update?

Due to me having the crippleing condition of "brain to fast" I tend to forget about my website for weeks at a time (and abandon projects frquently) so I update the wobsite! when ever I remember it's on my mind. That's not often so don't expect all to much from me.

And I do Appreciate You Beening Round

What I Do?

As I said above I make games and videos but as you can see I also know how to code dat HTML.

Despite the absolutely epic design of my site I am not a profesional programer so if any thing looks jank sorrz :p. My spelling skills are also rather poor(I'm trying) so please point out mistakes.

This site is hosted by Neo Cities, Thank You Neo Cities <3